परग्रहियों का घर ऐसे और यहां होंगे।alien civilization documentary in hindi

परग्रहियों का घर ऐसे और यहां होंगे।alien civilization documentary in hindi

बचपन से हम परग्रहियों के बारे में किस्से सुनाते आए हैं की हम जैसे इस पृथ्वी पर रहते हैं उसी तरह दूर तारे में भी हमारे जैसे लोग रहते हैं जिसे हम एलियन कहते हैं।और उनकी भी हमारी जैसी एक दुनियां है।आज इंसान उन एलियन को जी जान लगा कर ढूंढ रहा है।पर अभी तक प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कोई एलियंस नहीं मिला।हम जानेंगे की आखिर किस तरह की दुनियां होगी एलियंस की।उनका घर कैसा होगा।

The theatrical adaptation of G Wells’ book ‘The War of the Worlds’ was broadcast. Orson Welles narrated this story in the form of a news bulletin series in such a way that the listeners thought that the Martians had attacked the earth.
Along with the progress of science, films were made on books and stories, which strengthened the desire of young scientists to know about aliens.
Radio waves can travel through space easily, and the sound that Seth wanted to hear on the radio receiver was different from ordinary sounds. Seth used the simulation to create a sound that sounded like an alien signal, so that it could be understood what they were looking for.
He says, “Listening, it sounds like someone is playing a flute standing near Niagara Falls. The sound of Niagara Falls on the receiver will sound like the sound of the emptiness of space but it will sound like a sound rather than a tune.”
Seth and his team knew what they were looking for, but the difficulty was that they had to look at millions of radio frequencies, then how did they know which to look first.परग्रहियों का घर ऐसे और यहां होंगे।alien civilization documentary in hindi.एलियन का रहस्य|alien civilization existence full documentary video in hindi

(other video link below)

aliens in hindi ::https://youtu.be/ejX2BlbBHy8

top 5 largest galaxies in hindi : https://youtu.be/FHr_B25DbKE

real horror story in hindi : https://youtu.be/j_iGgiDRww4

farthest galaxy of universe in hindi : https://youtu.be/jeCWvpG2tK4

how look like earth from other planets in hindi – https://youtu.be/D92N5PuZdw4

Milky way galaxy centre in hindi: https://youtu.be/GN0gzEal610

Amazon forest in hindi: https://youtu.be/__jcbz3FhPM

biggest mysterious planet in hindi : https://youtu.be/i-fCXobFgUo

hoia baciu forest in hindi : https://youtu.be/IxXgwUTJmH0


information source- bbc hindi

music- Martian Cowboy

#alien #alienslife #


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