😳CURIOUS? Snake अपनी Skin क्यूँ उतारता है? – By Kishor Singh #shorts

😳CURIOUS? Snake अपनी Skin क्यूँ उतारता है? – By Kishor Singh #shorts

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😳CURIOUS? Snake अपनी Skin क्यूँ उतारता है? – By Kishor Singh

Snakes scratch their skin to peel out their outer skin layer.
This snakeskin gets peeled out within 4 to 14 days. But the point worth pondering is why even snakes need to get rid of their skin. By the way, a very interesting fact about snakes is waiting for you in between the article.
A snake peels out its skin around 4 to 14 times a year, and there are two reasons why they do so.
The first one is related to their continuous growth. They peel their skin away when they find themselves not fitting in it properly. But when the snakes get older, their skin peeling frequency drops to 4 times a year because they don’t have to grow anymore.
The second reason is the parasites present on the snakeskin. Snakes get rid of the parasites by shedding their skin frequently, which also makes them live disease free.
Before the skin shedding process, the color of their old skin gets dull.
Unknown fact, snakes use their tongue for sniffing, then what does it do with their nose? Make guess and comment your answer.
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#snake #snakeskin #snakebite #snakes

Thankful To:
Vincent: blender.org


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