Strange UFO that looks like Starship Enterprise without the saucer section. Pennsylvania.

Strange UFO that looks like Starship Enterprise without the saucer section. Pennsylvania.

Witness Description:
“I sighted one or two silver objects flying high over my house in 2014 and took several photographs.
I was in my back yard during the day and noticed something silver in the sky. I had a look but could not see it clearly from that distance, only to know for sure there was something silver flying high in the sky. I got my camera and took several photos, which I tried to zoom in somewhat. I got a number of mostly clear pictures of the object (I think there were actually two going two different directions, but I could be wrong).
I was surprised when I saw the pictures up close after I took them. The shape of the object is like two long metal bars, with a smaller metal bar connecting the two in the middle. The surface is smooth, silver, and shiny.
I have sent the pictures to a local small airport and asked for their opinion. They said they really did not know, but it might be an ultralight with pontoons. Friends online have suggested it might be some variety of drone. I have searched online for pictures of ultralights and drones and don’t see anything like it. There certainly does not appear to be a place for a pilot anywhere. This is a real object flying in the sky, but I have no idea what it is.”

Source Link:
Filmed over Springfield, Pennsylvania 2014-05-01
Many thanks to the author of the original photos.

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