Bright UFO in the sky filmed from an airplane.

Bright UFO in the sky filmed from an airplane.

Source Link: Dennis Pena

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This UFO sighting was filmed by Dennis Pena.
On his way back from his Spiritual retreat on the plane he come across this strange light outside. At first, he thought it was the sun reflecting on the window, but he realized it was not behaving like the sun rays and flares on the window. Then the plane leans slightly and you see the wing and the light intersect and it appears that the light gets covered by the wing and it reappears behind the wing–meaning the light was not a reflection on the window.
Later Dennis Pena found out that it is crystals in the air that are so tiny,
and are in a horizontal plane, so the sun’s rays
is shining from above it creates an oval reflection in the air.
The light appearing as if it is floating in the air.

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