Are Aliens Deceiving Humanity Or Is Humanity Itself Deceived About Aliens?

Are Aliens Deceiving Humanity Or Is Humanity Itself Deceived About Aliens?

Are aliens deceiving humanity or is humanity itself deceived about aliens?
Maybe they’re not aliens after all?
So are aliens deceiving humanity or is humanity itself being deceived about aliens?
Or maybe something else is happening?
So many lies have been written and revealed about UFOs that if you suddenly decide to study this phenomenon in more detail, you will come across an unimaginable number of fakes. And it is extremely difficult to distinguish the total deception from the facts worthy of attention in such a matter.
In addition, there are a large number of layers and varieties of counterfeits.
Sometimes, especially in the case of official government and military sources, deliberate deception takes the form of manipulative misinformation aimed at keeping secrets, controlling the content of a story, and avoiding liability. In other cases, the lie is ridiculed by those who are looking for attention on themselves or just want to make extra money.
There are blatant lies, half-truths, conjectures presented as facts, cleverly invented fantasy scenarios meant to excite or intimidate and much more. You have to be on guard all the time, which is pretty tiring, but that’s part of the job of flying saucers. Healthy skepticism is a component of any uncertain field of research, but who cares about the phenomenon of unidentified objects in general is a particularly difficult question.
Trust is the very currency that is usually counterfeit for gullible people.
It is curious that people, as you know, find relief in deception. One lie soothes their fears and anxieties, the other awakens or confirms existing beliefs. Such ignorance and pursuit of the general flow is preferable to the fear of finding out the real truth about the world around you.
After all, if you suddenly change your mind about something, this can lead to the need to make adjustments in other significant, life-changing areas. A kind of domino effect. The need to know is replaced by the desire not to know. Finding and accepting the truth is too much work.
So, the spectrum of deception that accompanies the study of the UFO phenomenon can be broadly divided into two types.
The first type is the lies that are presented by social and cultural personalities, criminals and crooks. Ironically, it is easier to treat, though harder to define.
The second type consists of something more slippery. These are stories we tell ourselves, based on our own erroneous thinking.
We’ll talk about the last one today.
Cheating on yourself for the sake of comfort or laziness is a voluntary matter.
Aren’t they from our world?
Let’s be clear – the author does not believe in the Alien Hypothesis of the origin of UFOs. Logically, this idea makes no sense.
For many decades, humans have been familiar with the Phenomenon, initially considering the concept of extraterrestrials from outer space. The vast majority of UFO literature implicitly reflects the idea that the occupants of flying saucers are from other planets or stellar systems. This line of thinking has been inherited since the late 1940’s, when people began to use the expression “of this world” in their descriptions of the oddities they saw in the sky. Or maybe the rumors about the mysterious little gray bodies that were supposed to have been found in Roswell at the crash site of an alien spaceship. Since then, movies and television have shown us countless variations of the theme Came From Outer Space! People bought the alien idea along with the tickets, without thinking about the existence of other options.


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