You Won’t Believe What Just Happened Across The World In 2021! Buckle-Up

You Won’t Believe What Just Happened Across The World In 2021! Buckle-Up

UFOs JUST-IN OMG!!! Buckle-Up Here We Go: 2021!!! Are You Ready? UFOs from around the world in including new videos just in captured Jan 1, 2021 from Hawaii, to Brazil, to Texas, and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Become a Member! UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon! Share Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!

Wayne Lyon
40. Miles from port aransas in texas I didn’t see a vessel, but they were very straight like they were on a vessel, and if u look in the begining u can see under the line of lights, another light, but it was actually three lights.  

November 11, 2020. Andes Mountain Range, Chile. Airplane passenger captures huge ship over the Andes. The Chilean Rodrigo, passenger of the sky h2 72 flight from Puerto Montt to Santiago, witnessed the impressive presence of a tubular ship over the Andes mountain range, during his flight he was able to capture several videos that leave no doubt that we are being visited by ships of monumental size, technologically higher than created so far by human beings.


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