One of the biggest paradoxes is that despite there being billions of other stars with earth like planets out there and according to the Drake equation, there should be 100’s or 1000’s of advanced civilisations. But so far we have found nothing to prove that intelligent life exists anywhere else other than here on Earth.
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Earth Isn’t As special As We like to Think
We humans do tend to hold ourselves in high regard when it come to the rest of the Cosmos. For thousands of years we believed that we and earth, were at the center of the universe and everything revolved around us including the sun and the stars.
We now know that our sun is just one of billions of very similar stars and earth is a planet that is not that special.
We often think that aliens would want to come to our home planet for our resources, the water, minerals, possibly the life that exists here and maybe to communicate with us humans.
But if an alien race is capable of travelling and communicating across light years of space and would be 1000’s or millions of years ahead of us in their development.
They’ve Moved Out Of The Universe
One reason why we have not seen an evidence of advanced civilizations is that they have evolved out of this universe to another or into another dimension.
According to futurist John Smart’s Transcension Hypothesis, intelligent alien life once existed in our universe, yet it became so advanced that it moved on the sub atomic scale or inner space rather than outer space.
Whilst this may sound like something from the pages of a sci-fi novel as lot of thought has been put in to it.
Galaxy 2005 The Return by Frank Dorittke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (