Angels and Aliens: Fall of Man – Full Documentary

Angels and Aliens: Fall of Man – Full Documentary

Join Adrian Gilbert as he delves into the secrets of astrology from ancient times. Astrology is the language through which we can study many things. Without it a lot of esoteric information will be off limits because we won’t be able to understand it. In this lecture we get an overview of the universe and our galaxy and then go through the Zodiac sign by sign to gain a better grasp of each one.

In this series of lectures, Adrian Gilbert (renowned author and lecturer) examines the subject of angelology in depth, both from the perspective of the biblical scriptures and that of other cultures. Explore the story of Adam and Eve, relating the story to Hermetic teachings, the Book of Enoch and Greek mythology as it relates to Angels and the possibility that extraterrestrials.

#alien #documentary #paranormal


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