끊이지 않는 UFO 목격담…의문만 키운 미국 보고
UFO sightings have frequent and continuous in recent years, according to a naval intelligence officer in the United States. Unidentified Flying Objects have long been a topic that has never failed to fascinate people and provoke debate on whether these mysterious apparitions are real or not.
There have certainly been testimonies but has the evidence over the years proven concrete?
We delve into the issue of Unidentified Flying Objects with Avi LOEB, Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science of Harvard University, Sunglyul Maeng , Professor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Woosuk University.
Q1. Professor Loeb: It’s been 50 years since congress last held a hearing on mysterious objects in the skies, are we now confident enough to say UFOs and aliens exist? Has it finally been confirmed by the hearing?
Q2. Professor Meng: Have you found any interesting remarks made at the Congressional UFO hearings?
Q3. Professor Loeb: These are the first hearings since the Air Force terminated Project Blue Book in 1969. What could be the reason to hold an open forum now, after decades of internal investigations and research?
Q4. Professor Loeb: Nowadays there’s been a switch from using the term UFO to “UAP”, or unidentified aerial phenonemon. How are UFOs and UAPs different in the sense of their implication?
Q5 Maeng: Now there are so many questions surrounding USOs which have largely gone unanswered. What has been made known so far?
Q6. Loeb: The Pentagon has so far confirmed that there were 11 near misses with UFOs by the U.S. military. Has there been any contact towards or from them so far?
Q7. Maeng: Many UFO witnesses speak of the unusual movement of UFOs, such as a rapid direction change or unbelievably high speed, as if they defy the limits of physics. As a scientist, what makes you think this is not human technology?
Q8. Professor Maeng:I know that you have researched UFOs for 30 years in Korea. Were there any UFOs observed by south Korean Air Force pilots?
Q9. Professor Loeb: It seems we have a long way to go until we get the answer to the ultimate question: do aliens exist?
What actions are further needed from government?
Avi LOEB, Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science of Harvard University, Sunglyul Maeng , Professor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Woosuk University. Thank you for your time.
#UFO #UnitedStates #Unidentified_Flying_Object
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2022-05-27, 08:00 (KST)