Glowing orb over Louisville, Kentucky. UFO or IFO? You decide. Episode 42. UFO 76%.

Glowing orb over Louisville, Kentucky. UFO or IFO? You decide. Episode 42. UFO 76%.

This UFO sighting was filmed in Louisville, Kentucky 7/4/2020.

UFO or IFO? You decide.
In these series of videos please put likes under my comments “UFO (Unidentified)” or “IFO (Identified)” which you can find under my pinned comment.
In 3 days I will post the percentage result.
Only the number of likes under these comments will be counted.

Source Link:
Filmed in Louisville, Kentucky 7/4/2020.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2020, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer,


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