Hearing to Address 'Mysterious' Military UFO Sightings… #shorts

Hearing to Address 'Mysterious' Military UFO Sightings… #shorts

A recent hearing in Washington readdressed the well-publicised military sightings of UFOs from the last few years. It covered potential threats to military personnel as well as national security; the first hearing of its kind since 1968. Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray and Undersecretary of Defence for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie were tasked with answering questions on “scientific, operational, and technical analysis”. Eighteen of 144 incidents were recorded as ‘mysterious’. The first clip- recorded from a smartphone camera- barely captures a hovering circular orb before it shoots past the right-hand side of a U.S. Navy strike fighter’s cockpit. The second, taken in 2018, shows a glowing triangular shaped craft as it cruises effortlessly (and with speed) across the West Coast plane. What are your thoughts?

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