How SETI is Expanding its Search For Alien Intelligence #aliens #SETI #universe

How SETI is Expanding its Search For Alien Intelligence #aliens #SETI #universe

How SETI is Expanding its Search For Alien Intelligence #aliens #SETI #universe

The SETI Institute is intensifying its search for extraterrestrial intelligence by employing diverse methods. They’re studying extreme Earth environments and distant exoplanets, and using radio telescopes to listen for cosmic signals.

The Very Large Array in New Mexico, now part of the COSMIC SETI program, is key to this effort, scanning for technosignatures indicative of advanced civilizations.

SETI’s Allen Telescope Array has been upgraded for improved performance. A recent significant donation is propelling their research forward, inviting global contributions for innovative SETI projects. This multifaceted approach is bringing us closer to answering the profound question: Are we alone in the universe?


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