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The Search for Primitive and Intelligent Life on Other Planets

Professor Abraham (Avi) Loeb, chair of the Astronomy department, Harvard University. Are we alone? Probably not, out of modesty - keeping in mind that about a quarter of all stars host a habitable Earth-size planet. Upcoming searches for primitive life will aim to detect oxygen or methane in the ...

UFO over Sardinia,Italy.

Source Link: AlkèmA 74 Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Olbia (Sardinia - Italy) - From a direct Facebook of Mr. P.B. of 20 January 2021 - 18.02. Given that I am not the author of the video, I can still testify, believe me ...

Can NASA Handle Intelligent Alien Life?

Before she left NASA, former NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan sat down with us and explained why NASA has no protocol for dealing with intelligent extra-terrestrial life — even if they came knocking on our doorstep tomorrow. Science Insider tells you all you need to know about science: space, ...

Several UFOs moving sideways over the ocean. Rosarito, Mexico.

Witness description: "We took a video in our condo on the 9th floor in Rosarito Mexico. 8 to 10 lights in a straight path moving sideways over the ocean. They just disappeared after 45 seconds. Shortly after we saw what looked like a coast guard ship speeding to the area and searching". Source ...
