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Sonde Voyager : en route vers l’infini | ARTE

Lancées en 1977 par la Nasa, les deux sondes Voyager sont les premiers objets de fabrication humaine à quitter notre système solaire. Elles se promènent aujourd’hui dans des régions lointaines – peut-être pour des milliards d’années. Retour sur ce fascinant parcours interstellaire.   "Bonjour, ...

UFOs over Harrells, North Carolina.

Source Link: AvidClimber He has another UFO video on his channel from this event. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Harrells, North Carolina. 11/13/2020. You can share the link to this video on social media. The ...

A wedge/triangular UFO over Piotrków, Poland. 12/7/2020.

Witness description: "Submitting on behalf of my friend, who's also a trainee pilot and his partner. Object spotted by his partner first, who thought there's something burning, then thought it's a moon, but excluded that possibility after observing moon on a different spot in the sky. Object ...

UFO over Belfast, UK.

Source Link: Randomid He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Filmed from East Belfast at around 6.15pm. Light was intensely bright at first before disappearing. Footage shown was recorded ...

Red pulsating UFOs over North Powder, Oregon.

Witness description: "I was looking out my window at the stars and noticed a string of red, flashing lights above my home coming from the SW heading NE. At first, I thought it was a reflection on the window from Christmas lights until I realized they were moving. I thought they may be helicopters ...

Aliens – Sind wir allein im Universum? Doku HD 2018

Die Milchstraße besteht aus 200 bis 300 Milliarden Sternen. Zahlreiche dieser Sterne werden wiederum von Planeten umkreist, die etwa so groß sind wie die Erde. Auf diesen Planeten ist die Grundvoraussetzung für mögliches Leben gegeben, weil sie nicht zu nah oder zu weit von ihrem Zentralgestirn ...
