Credit The Unexplained Files 2.0 at https://www.facebook.com/reel/450479428045305 Please like him and subscribe to him. Thanks all, Scott. Source
READ MORE +Credit The Unexplained Files 2.0 at https://www.facebook.com/reel/450479428045305 Please like him and subscribe to him. Thanks all, Scott. Source
READ MORE +Please remember to hit that like and subscribe button all, have a good one! Facebook witness at: https://www.facebook.com/reel/702006352080469 Source
READ MORE +Please hit the like and subscribe friends for more good stuff to come. Thanks, Scott. Source
READ MORE +Please hit subscribe and like, link to Tom Delonge UFO here at https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoPsVUttJLc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Source
READ MORE +Please hit like and subscribe. I found this anomaly on a doppler radar map and in all my years of searching maps for UFOs I have never seen a rectangle shape that extends 500 + miles across. This looks like a UFO caught on radar, but how can something so big go without being noticed? Sure a UFO ...
READ MORE +Seen from passenger jet, Eyewitness states: On Saturday March 11, 2023, I was flying south over central California on Southwest Airlines 2463 from Sacramento Airport (SMF) to San Diego (SAN). I was seated in the window seating, on the left side in the middle of the plane, right behind the left ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Strange lights over Menifee, Ca. Moved slow and appeared and disappeared , they seemed to become one then disappeared and one would reappear and the up to four. This happened about three times before disappearing into the clouds. Source
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Rectangular object was observed moving in a southwesterly direction. The object was rotating slowly and gliding through the sky. It did not change shape. Source
READ MORE +Saw this craft and thought wow, thats something right there. Its huge, the mouth of the volcano is 600 meters across and this is at least 1/6th that at 100 meters wide! The tail of the object is evenly as it comes down, but then suddenly as it enters the volcano the tail becomes super thin! ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: I was out mountain biking when I saw the object. I could see planes all around and hear them, but I could not ID this object. Source
READ MORE +Avistamento de OVNIS, UFO Sightings, UAPs, UFO, OVNIS, OVNIs Março, UFO January, UFO March, OVNIs Fevereiro, НЛО, उफौ, 飛碟, ユーフォー, OVNI 2023, UFO 2023, Viral Videos, Fenomenos Aéreos, OVNI Hoje, Discos Voadores, Ufologia, UAP, UFOs Sightings 2023, UFO Today, Os Melhores Avistamentos de OVNIS, ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: I felt my room vibrate and this low vibration in my stomach before looking outside and seeing this absolutely massive object passing by my window. I scrambled to grab my phone and record it within the next 12 minutes I saw another massive object, this time it wasn't boomerang ...