Report just came in a minute ago. Eyewitness states: Red glowing lights in formation flying towards Lake Michigan and vanished in mid air. November 26 at 5:56pm, Beach Park IL. Source
READ MORE +Report just came in a minute ago. Eyewitness states: Red glowing lights in formation flying towards Lake Michigan and vanished in mid air. November 26 at 5:56pm, Beach Park IL. Source
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: We were driving when I saw some bright lights that were just so bright, I thought maybe a drone but after watching it clearly was not! We pulled over and watched as it just hovered then moved not like any aircraft there were lights that flashed white and blue so very bright ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Went out for a smoke and took pictures of the front yard, as I see frequent UFO activity and like to record proof. I have seen many UFOs that were far off but this was the first time anything has come so close. The craft came from the tree line pulsing multicolored lights. ...