Daytime UFO over Detroit, Alabama.

Witness description: "My wife is a law school graduate and now a second year Elementary teacher. We were watching our son swim in our pool. My wife asked “Babe! What is that”? I looked up and seen a cigar shaped object in the sky. I told my son at first that it was an airplane. I wasn’t 100% ...

UFO over Faunsdale, Alabama.

Witness description: "While I was outside playing with my daughters, I saw an object that was flying across the sky. There was no noise or jet stream coming from the object whatsoever. We watched it and I pointed it out to them and they both acknowledged there was something there. I took a ...

The 10 WORST GHETTOS I've Ever Driven Through in the United States

These places will make you sick to your stomach. I’ve seen a lot of America so far. I haven’t been to every corner of this fine country, but I’ve seen the highlights. Or most of them. It’s quite a great place, the United States is, for the most part. But there are some REALLY terrible areas in ...
