alien news
Top 7 Insane UFO Encounters Proving Aliens Exist

Sightings of strange objects in the sky, became the raw materials for Hollywood, to present visions of potential threats. Scientists and astronomers express varying degrees of enthusiasm, for the possibility of intelligent life in the universe. In fact, NASA has officially joined the search ...

China alien News : चीन को मिल गए एलियन? धरती के बाहर जीवन के संकेत?

China alien News : चीन ने दावा किया कि उसे धरती से बाहर दूसरे ग्रहों पर रहने वाले जीव यानी कि एलियन मिल गए। चीन ने कोएचो प्रांत में मौजूद दुनिया के सबसे बड़े टेलिस्कोप के धरती से बाहर कुछ ऐसे सिग्नल मिलने का दावा किया, जो पहले मिले संकेतों से अलग हैं. #chinanews #news18indiainternational ...

NASA Chief Spills the Beans about Aliens and UFOs

You must have heard a lot of chatter about aliens living among us. Some would even go as far as claiming, that tech billionaire, Elon Musk is an alien. That is about to change. It’s one thing, reading about these theories on blogs and websites, but it’s a whole another thing when the head of ...

Alien civilization: আকাশগঙ্গাতেই রয়েছে ভিনগ্রহীদের বাসস্থান, জানালেন গবেষকরা, Alien News Nasa,

Alien civilization, আকাশগঙ্গাতেই রয়েছে ভিনগ্রহীদের বাসস্থান, জানালেন গবেষকরা, Alien News Nasa, Alien, Study claims there might be four alien civilizations in the Milky Way, Nasa, Nasa News, Nasa On Alien, Bengali News, Science, Alien News, Space, Space News, আকাশগঙ্গা ছায়াপথের মধ্যেই ...

Advanced Alien Civilization's Signal of Its Existence

According to statistics, humans are most likely not alone in the universe. Fermi's paradox can help us think about this possibility. Alien civilizations may have already arisen, prospered, and become interplanetary, given the abundance of stars expected to have planets like Earth, where liquid ...
