Aliens on earth
Aliens पर सबसे बड़ा खुलासा, 50 सालों से संपर्क में हैं | Aliens | Uri Geller |

Aliens को लेकर हलचल काफी तेज नजर होती आ रही है. यूएफओ या उड़न तश्तरियों को लेकर भी अभी तक काफी बाते कही गई हैं लेकिन अब जो खबर एलियंस को लेकर सामने आई है वो हैरान करने वाली है. दरअसल इल्यूजनिस्ट उरी गेलर ने ये दावा किया है कि 1 या 2 नहीं बल्कि पिछले 50 सालों से अमेरिका Aliens के संपर्क में है. ...

Astronomer Explains How SETI Searches for Aliens | WIRED

Is there any life beyond Earth? SETI Institute Director Emeritus Jill Tarter believes we will find that answer in the 21st century. Jill explains the science and logistics that goes into searching for extra-terrestrial life, and the reasons why there's still so much to explore. Still haven’t ...

Alien life on Earth | Outsiders | VPRO Documentary

Meet Anton (70), who is certain that we're regularly being visited by alien life. With presenter Tim they go searching for UFO's and aliens. When Anton was 23 years old, he saw some noiseless orbs skimming over him in the sky . Since then he has seen such apparitions more often and is convinced ...

UFOs: The man who chases Canadian conspiracies

Canada is home to some of the most active UFO investigators in the world. Victor Viggiani has made it his life’s goal to find out why there are so many UFO “incidents” in Canada. MORE: For more info, please go to ...
