Isaac Asimov, l'étrange testament du père des robots | ARTE

Considéré comme l’un des maîtres de la science-fiction, Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) a exploré des thématiques futuristes qui font écho aux grands défis actuels. Quel message d’espoir a-t-il à nous livrer ?  En 1923, Isaac Asimov a 3 ans quand ses parents émigrent de Russie aux États-Unis. ...

The First Aliens | A Brief History of Aliens in Science Fiction

Once, mankind looked up at the night sky, at the stars shining in the black abyss and they called them gods. Eventually, we realized that in actuality our own sun was just like each of those billions of stars out there in the darkness. It only took one leap of thought for someone to ask the ...

2020 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Alien Life

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium, hosts and moderates a lively discussion about how life might have formed on Earth and explores what alien life might look like elsewhere in the universe. What criteria do we use to classify life as we know it? Should the ...
