Mauro Biglino introduce il documentario di SPECIALE TG1 sugli UFO "Figli delle stelle" nel quale è stato intervistato, aggiungendo argomenti originali. 🎥 link al documentario su Rai Play ...
READ MORE +Mauro Biglino introduce il documentario di SPECIALE TG1 sugli UFO "Figli delle stelle" nel quale è stato intervistato, aggiungendo argomenti originali. 🎥 link al documentario su Rai Play ...
READ MORE +Au cours de l'un des tests, Nikola Tesla a déclaré qu'il recevait étrangement des signaux radio provenant de l'espace. Tesla pensait que quelqu'un tentait de communiquer avec nous par le biais de chiffres, car il s'agit d'un langage universel. Des années plus tard, Tesla a raconté son ...
READ MORE +Avi Loeb suggested, an artificial construction made by an intelligent extra-terrestrial civilization? Since the mysterious traveler is out of the range of existing telescopes, there is only one way to find them. We go after it. New research outlines a mission called Project Lyra to send a probe ...
READ MORE +Located at Groom Lake in the middle of the barren desert of southern Nevada, Area 51 is a U.S Air Force installation that has become infamous for a speculated connection with unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Conspiracy theories surrounding the base, suggest that it is used for the testing ...
READ MORE +The upcoming probe into potential sightings of extra-terrestrial life by the US intelligence service has the whole world excited, but Congressman Tim Burchett reckons, it will just be another "cover-up". The Congressman said that those in charge of investigating the possibility of alien life, ...
READ MORE +Shaped like an elongated cigar, by the time it was spotted it had already zipped by our own Sun, performed a slick hairpin turn, and begun hurtling off in another direction. Two things in particular fixated scientists. The first was its mysterious acceleration away from the Sun, which was hard ...
READ MORE +Today, we will look at the many hints that have emerged over the years pointing towards the existence of life beyond earth. These are the most hotly-debated discoveries that are indicative of alien life. 10 Insane UFO Encounters That Will Make You Question Our Reality #ufo #alien #space 0:00 ...
READ MORE + in Worten 4 Trillionen außerirdische Raumschiffe in unserem Sonnensystem! So vermutet es die neue Studie von Harvard Professor Avi Loeb – Nach den Funden der interstellaren Objekte Oumuamua , Borisov , CNEOS 2014-01-08 und CNEOS 2017-03-09 in nur acht Jahren berechnete ...
READ MORE +Today, we will look at the many hints that have emerged over the years pointing toward the existence of life beyond earth. Top 10 Insane Pieces of Evidence of Aliens and UFOs. Join Lab360 to get access to some amazing perks: ...
READ MORE +Installiere Raid kostenlos ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: und bekomme speziellen Starter-Pack 💥 nur in den nächsten 30 Tagen verfügbar. Avi Loeb ist bekannt geworden durch seine Theorien zum interstellaren Asteroiden Oumuamua. Er hat aber noch eine weitere spannende Idee: Auf ...
READ MORE +For all the skeptics out there, the NASA, just announced 16 people who will study UFO’s to see what’s natural and what isn’t. Using unclassified data, the team will "lay the groundwork for future study" of UFOs by examining how the data is gathered by the public, local government and ...