drake equation
Brian Cox – Alien Civilizations Decoded

"Brian Cox - Alien Civilizations Decoded," a captivating journey into the world of extraterrestrial life and our quest to find it. In this riveting video, renowned physicist Brian Cox discusses the implications of making contact with alien civilizations and the role of artificial intelligence ...

Brian Cox – Alien Life & The Dark Forest Hypothesis

The renowned physicist and science communicator, Brian Cox delves into the topic of alien life and in particular, the question about intelligent alien civilization. With his trademark enthusiasm and engaging style, Brian Cox explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life and why we haven't ...

Why We Cant Find Extraterrestrial Life – The Fermi Paradox

One of the biggest paradoxes is that despite there being billions of other stars with earth like planets out there and according to the Drake equation, there should be 100's or 1000's of advanced civilisations. But so far we have found nothing to prove that intelligent life exists anywhere else ...

How Many Alien Civilizations Exist in Our Galaxy?

How Many Alien Civilizations Exist in Our Galaxy? Subscribe to Science Time: https://www.youtube.com/sciencetime24 It’s the oldest and the greatest cosmic question of all: Are we alone in the Universe? Given the fact that there are countless alien worlds with conditions similar to Earth, ...

NASA Chief Reveals TERRIFYING Truth About UFO's And Aliens!

Aliens And UFOs! Ever since technology advanced to the point that we could research things beyond the Earth, there’s been one thing everyone’s been obsessed with—Aliens. While there have always been stories about aliens, nothing’s ever been concrete enough to make everyone stop in their tracks, ...

¿Nos VISITAN Extraterrestres? Lo que saben los deja LOCOS…

Estudio científico que predice que los extraterrestres nos están visitando y ya lo hicieron en el pasado. Podrían estar entre nosotros y no saberlo. La Paradoja de Fermi plantea la incógnita del gran silencio. Por medio de la Ecuación de Drake calculamos que podrían haber civilizaciones que ...
