Strange Flying objects in my drone footage (UFOS?)

Went for a quick flight and noticed some strange things flying at what seems to be high speed. There are 2 in the first shot and 2 in the second, very odd ! I have the original RAW footage if anyone want to look at it in more detail shot in DLOG Drone is a Mavic Pro source

UFO filmed during drone flight in Spokane, Washington.

Source Link: JME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mraIt9gZe6Q Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Spokane, Washington.10/31/2020 5:47 pm. Witness description: "I did not enhance the video at all, just zoomed in for replay. As I was landing I spotted it again, ...

UFO filmed during drone flight in Anutt, Missouri.

Source Link: ozarkarts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-Zx4LdcFRs Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "UFO filmed during drone flight taken using a DJI Mavic Air 2 Drone. The object starts from the bottom center near the start and is very small because it appears to be ...

UFO was filmed by drone over Korea.

Source Link: 김종권 중개사 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45IqPX795rY Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Korea. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

HUGE Diamond Shaped UFO Ventura CA Drone VIDEO!

Richard Cranor while flying his DJI Mavic air drone filming for an agricultural company. At no point did I notice anything in the sky during filming. Reviewing the footage the next day, what I thought was a speck of dust on the sensor turned out to be a large object invisible to the naked eye ...
