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READ MORE +Rejoignez cette chaîne pour bénéficier d'avantages exclusifs : steam: #EdenCrafters Source
READ MORE +Des images de Mars prises en 2006 montrent ce qui semble être une soucoupe volante qui s’est écrasée à la surface de la planète rouge. La divulgation a commencé et elle ne risque pas de s'arreté. Mon objectif sur YouTube est de vous relayer des informations que les fake médias vous cachent. ...
READ MORE +Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Donanması, ellerinde hiç yayımlanmamış UFO görüntülerinin olduğunu açıkladı. Ancak bu görüntülerin "ulusal güvenliğe zarar vereceği" ifade edilerek kamuoyuyla paylaşılmayacağının da altı çizildi. TGRT HABER YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OLMAK İÇİN ...
READ MORE +The US Congress has held its first hearing on UFOs for half a century. It's part of a government effort to be more transparent about unexplained military sightings in the sky that have been deemed a "potential national security threat". Beaming in from Boston, head of Harvard's Galileo Project ...
READ MORE + A couple miles from Flying Cloud Airport, in a quiet neighborhood, an Eden Prairie, Minnesota man saw a light in the sky last May, the curiosity became an ...source