elon musk
What If Aliens Lived on The Moon?

What if the Moon was more than just a lifeless rock? Under that bright light, it could be hiding an alien civilization. When did this alien life begin on the Moon? What would these lunar-dwellers breathe? And what would our neighbors look like? Transcript and sources: ...

A new era of space travel | DW Documentary

A revolution in the history of space travel took off on 20 July 2021. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos flew in his rocket 106 kilometers into outer space. It may have only lasted around 10 minutes, but the trip was the precursor to commercial passenger flights into space. The Bezos flight, as well as ...

James Webb Telescope Insane New Discovery Of Alien Civilizations

One of the most important developments for humans in terms of space observation is the James Webb Space Telescope! The scientific community has great hopes because it will be much more capable than any other space telescope ever deployed by humans! They will be able to investigate very far-off ...

इतने सारे UFO ! Alien की वापसी तय😱 | A2 Motivation |

A lot of UFOs have been seen in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Actually never seen such a clear picture of UFO. More information about this is given in the video. ये है कल के 3 वीडियोस 😊 जरूर देखें ! 1.आप क्या चुनेंगे ? "चालाकी" या "ईमानदारी"?https://youtu.be/1ZxKEFsjRAA 2.75 रुपए की सिनेमा ...

Uttar Pradesh के आसमान में रहस्यमयी नजारे, एलियन की UFO थी या Elon Musk की Starlink Satellites?

सोमवार रात यूपी की राजधानी लखनऊ और लखीमपुर खीरी में आसमान में रहस्यमयी रोशनी दिखाई दी. ये आसमान में अजीबो गरीब दिखने वाली एक ट्रेन की तरह चलते हुए नजर आई..ये नजारा जिस किसी ने भी देखा उसे देख हर कोई हैरान रह गया...तो क्या सच था आसमान में दिखने वाली इस रहस्यमयी ट्रेन का..? क्या ये कोई एलिएंस के ...
