US Air Force TESTS New UFO Fighter Jet That Defies Physics!

USAF Tests NEW UFO Fighter Jet That SHOCKED THE WORLD! This is the TR-3A Black Manta. It is either one of the most advanced aircraft in history — a real-life UFO or it’s a hoax — a massive hoax. But some say respectable voices say they’ve seen it. The TR-3A has no fuselage or tail. It’s a ...

Pourquoi l’intelligence artificielle a besoin d’éthique

A mesure qu’elle se déploie dans tous les secteurs, l’intelligence artificielle pose de graves et inédites questions éthiques. Algorithmes simplistes, erreurs statistiques en série, reproduction d’inégalités sociales…, les risques sont à la mesure des promesses de cette technologie : ...

What Will Aliens Learn About Humans? #dearblocko #shorts

The truth is out there, but humans are probably going to avoid telling the aliens all the bad stuff. Support the great work being done by Lifespan, the team powering Life Noggin: https://www.lifespan.io/life-noggin/ Meet the Team! ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Director/Voice - Pat Graziosi: ...

What Happens If Aliens Make Contact With Earth?

Aliens are definitely out there, but what happens when we finally make contact with them? What are humans supposed to do? Learn more about the quest to message extraterrestrials at METI from our friends at Lifespan.io - https://youtu.be/6t8crootK-0 Script: Humans have been sending messages ...

Pourquoi Pluton n'est plus une planète ?

En août 2006, Pluton a perdu son statut de neuvième planète du Système solaire. A la suite d’un vote de l’Union astronomique internationale, elle s’est vue rétrogradée en planète naine. La raison principale de ce changement d’appellation provient d’une redéfinition de ce qu’est une planète. ...

Why Extraterrestrial Life Might Not Be So Alien

On the website for the department of zoology of the University of Cambridge, the page for Arik Kershenbaum lists his three main areas of research, one of which stands out from the others. Kershenbaum studies “Wolves and other canids,” “Dolphins and cetaceans” — and “Aliens.” Granted, science ...
