Is the Government Hiding Proof of Aliens? | Unveiled

What does the government know about alien life? Join us... and find out! Subscribe for more from Unveiled ► https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe The search for aliens has been going on for decades now, but still nothing... allegedly! In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the ...

Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens Former Canadian Minister of National Defense (1963-1967) and longtime member of Canadian Parliament The Honorable Paul Hellyer discusses the alleged "Galactic Federation" of Aliens that was also discussed publicly recently by ...

The Mysterious Roswell UFO Incident of 1947

In 1947, when a local rancher claimed to have found a flying saucer in his field, Roswell became the center of conspiracy theories and a tourist destination for anyone in search of little green men. From the Series: Aerial America: New Mexico http://bit.ly/2yzL1G8 source

Carl Sagan On Alien Civilizations

Please Click the Bell Icon to Enable Notifications ***SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!*** Please check out this awesome channel. Here you can find the best pieces of classical music for studying and relaxation. You can use it as background music while you work or relax. Subscribe and show them ...

W5: Searching outer space for signs of extraterrestrial life

If aliens are sending us signals, are we set up to detect them? Dan Riskin speaks with planetary scientists, radio astronomers, and computer scientists who explain how the search for ET has ramped up in the last few decades. But if they're successful, is there a way to predict what alien ...
