What Would an Alien Robot Look Like?

An exploration of what an alien robot might look like. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/eventhorizonshow Music: Cylinder Eight by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. ...

How Old Could the First Alien Civilizations Be?

An exploration of how old the first alien civilizations could be, or how early in the history of the universe were planets possible. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/eventhorizonshow Music: Cylinder Five by ...

FERMI PARADOX almost SOLVED #space #spacenews #aliens

In 1950, Physicist Enrico Fermi formulated a paradox that questions if there are billions of possible places for life, why have we not encountered any other extraterrestrial life? We are getting closer to breaking this paradox every day. #sciencefacts #spaceexploration #fermiparadox #spacex ...

The Fermi Paradox: Are We Alone in the Universe?

Explore the perplexing question of why we haven't encountered any alien civilizations despite the vastness of the cosmos. Join John Michael Godier as he delves into the Fermi Paradox and discusses possible explanations for the absence of extraterrestrial life. #FermiParadox #AlienLife ...

Immortal Alien Civilizations

An exploration of the implications of immortal alien civilizations. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/eventhorizonshow Music: Intermission in D by Miguel Johnson https://migueljohnson.bandcamp.com/ Lost ...

Three Scientific Papers on the UFO Phenomenon

And exploration of three scientific papers on the UFO Phenomenon, two very recent, in relation to the US government and Harvard's Galileo Project probes into the UFO UAP phenomenon. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: ...

Fermi Paradox: Why don’t we see signs of alien civilizations?

n this video, we'll explore the Fermi Paradox, and ask the question "why don't we see signs of alien civilizations?" The Fermi Paradox is a problem in astronomy and physics that asks the question "why haven't we seen any signs of advanced alien civilizations?" It's a problem that has been ...

Aliens and the Purple Earth

An exploration of the idea that aliens may have visited earth long ago in the geologic past and found a very different planet than we know today. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/eventhorizonshow Music: Cylinder ...

La paradoja de Fermi: ¿Existe la vida extraterrestre?

Muchos piensan que es una locura hablar sobre extraterrestres; sin embargo, desde hace mucho, esta ha sido una pregunta seria para los científicos. Más bien, nuestro universo es tan vasto y antiguo que resulta extraño creer que solo hay vida en la Tierra. A pesar de esto, hasta el momento no ...

Searching for Alien Probes in the Solar System

An updated look at how we are preparing to search the solar system in SETI to see whether anyone has ever stationed an alien probe in the star system including just what we might look for. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: ...
