Fermi Paradox
Kuiper Belt बन गया है Alien Civilization का नया घर | Planet 9: The Home To The Alien World

कायपर बेल्ट, हमारे सौर मंडल से परे स्पेस का एक डोनट आकार का क्षेत्र, जो अजनबी चीज़ों के लिए अब अजनबी नहीं रहा. 2015 में, नासा के न्यू होराइजन स्पेसक्राफ्ट ने Kuiper बेल्ट की खाली जगह में एक बड़ी चीज़ को रेंगते हुए देखा. इमेज की क्वालिटी ऐसी थी जिसे देख पृथ्वी के लोगों ने अपनी दिमागी उपज में कई ...

Primitive Aliens

Start listening with a 30-day Audible trial and your first audiobook is free. Visit http://www.audible.com/isaac or text "isaac" to 500-500. We often imagine Earth being visited by more advanced civilizations, but in the future humanity may encounter more primitive ones on alien worlds. What ...

IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk FINALLY Breaks Silence On Aliens

While Elon Musk has often spoken about aliens, NASA has long been involved in searching for alien life in space in its bid to confirm whether we are really alone or we have intelligent neighbors in the cosmos. However, the agency has recently stepped up its efforts to prepare humans for alien ...

Robin Collins – Why Do We Search for Intelligent Aliens?

Why does alien intelligence hold such fascination? Can we even conceive of what they might be like? To appreciate intelligent, sentient life in the universe, right now we have only one data point: ourselves. We would love more. Is it realistic to suppose we will find intelligent aliens? Free ...

NASA Chief Spills the Beans about Aliens and UFOs

You must have heard a lot of chatter about aliens living among us. Some would even go as far as claiming, that tech billionaire, Elon Musk is an alien. That is about to change. It’s one thing, reading about these theories on blogs and websites, but it’s a whole another thing when the head of ...

Could Intelligent Alien Life be AI?

Artificial Intelligence or AI more specifically strong AI or artificial superintelligence could possibly be the answer or the solution to the Fermi paradox. The Fermi paradox, named after Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for ...

Le Zoo Galactique et les Bombes Nucléaires

Cet épisode est comme une recette de cuisine. Les ingrédients sont des essais nucléaires, un physicien de génie, un paradoxe extraterrestre, et des civilisations aliens. Une petite poudre de voyage interstellaire et de distance cosmique, et c'est parfait. Aujourd'hui je vous raconte comment ...
