A cutting edge scientific journey through space and time in search of aliens; exploring the possibility of what would happen if they were to make contact with humanity. ►Subscribe – http://goo.gl/wpc2Q1 Source
READ MORE +A cutting edge scientific journey through space and time in search of aliens; exploring the possibility of what would happen if they were to make contact with humanity. ►Subscribe – http://goo.gl/wpc2Q1 Source
READ MORE +Alien Crash At Roswell | Mystery Documentary Show Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Extraterrestrial: https://youtu.be/hQfLku-HBXk The most enigmatic UFO incident in history exposed. Join Philip Coppens, star of History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" series in this and unprecedented expose on the ...
READ MORE +Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries - Episode 6: Extra Terrestrial | Mystery Documentary Show Mysterious Creatures and Beings: https://youtu.be/s3QTDW1Aw2o Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries looks at extra-terrestrials. It first looks at (10) mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft, (9) ancient ...
READ MORE +Since the beginning of time, the moon has been our loyal companion in the sky. But other planets also have satellites, more so than Earth. The silent companions of the planets are fascinating worlds of their own and there could even be candidates for extraterrestrial life among them. But what are ...
READ MORE +Are we alone? A question we ask ourselves every time we gaze deep into the endlessness of space. And the dream of discovering the origins of mankind is as old as civilization itself. Are there other worlds that support life? Or is the earth merely a cosmic accident? What in fact is life? What ...
READ MORE +World's Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys Mexico (2008) Deadliest Roads - Australia: https://youtu.be/8n50LDTY6y0 Every year, more than a million people from central America travel thousands of miles attempting to reach the promised land: the US. It’s a journey fraught with danger. ...
READ MORE +Mankind is entering a new era of space travel. Astronauts are set to return to the moon before the decade is out. And scientists and visionaries say: humans will soon set foot on a foreign planet for the first time: Mars. July 30th, 2020. An Atlas V launch vehicle lifts off from the Kennedy ...