READ MORE +An exploration of what an alien robot might look like. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/eventhorizonshow Music: Cylinder Eight by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. ...
READ MORE +A cutting edge scientific journey through space and time in search of aliens; exploring the possibility of what would happen if they were to make contact with humanity. ►Subscribe – http://goo.gl/wpc2Q1 Source
Former Google Insider Mo Gadwat speaks about an "alien intelligence" already here. Hear his urgent message about the forces transforming our future—this isn’t just a prediction, it’s happening now. It's no wonder everyone is Googling him.
Watch the full speech here: ...
This is a repost of the patron video for January 2025. Given the recent announcement about project Stargate I delved into modernity's quest for forbidden knowledge and how it relates to today's obsession with UFOs, AI, psychedelics, and even transgenderism. =========== NEW COURSE: The ...
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Yuval Noah Harari redefines the way we view AI, calling it not artificial intelligence but alien intelligence. ...
Dans un futur où l’humanité explore les confins de la galaxie, une découverte bouleversante est faite : une planète errante, dérivant dans le vide intergalactique, abritant les vestiges d’une civilisation ancienne et avancée. À bord du vaisseau Odysseus, une équipe de scientifiques, ...
READ MORE +Professor Avi Loeb is a theoretical physicist whose areas of professional interest include cosmology and astrophysics. His new book, "Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth", proposes that 'Oumuamua, the interstellar object that passed through our solar system in ...
READ MORE +L'astrobiologiste Nathalie A. Cabrol est l'invitée de Clique. Franco-américaine, elle dirige une équipe de l'institut californien SETI qui cherche à expliquer la nature de la vie dans l'Univers. À l'occasion de la sortie de son livre "Inséparables", elle parle des liens entre Mars et la Terre, ...
READ MORE +Join Exploratorium staff scientist Ron Hipschman as we visit Dan Werthimer, Director of the SETI Research Center at UC Berkeley. SETI conducts experiments searching for electromagnetic signatures of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, spanning wavelengths from radio to visible light, ...
Join filmmaker James Fox and best selling author Paul Wallis for this eye-opening conversation! Non-Human Intelligence, Men in Black, UFOs, government secrets, Alien footage and the fascinating revelations behind James’s latest documentary the Program. Watch the Program by James Fox