Fleet of UFOs over Edmond, Oklahoma.

Long description of sighting report: "Went out in the backyard between 9:30 and 10:00 pm to call my dog in. Observed yellow balls of light about the size of tennis balls that looked like they were on fire shooting up into the sky. Ran in the house and got my sister and my cell phone. Started ...

Les Extra-terrestres au cinéma – Blow Up – ARTE

La sortie cette semaine de "The Predator" nous a donné envie de parler de voyages spatiaux et de petits bonshommes verts qu’ils soient bienveillants ou belliqueux, du "Jour où la Terre s’arrêta" à "Mars Attacks" en passant par "La Soupe aux choux" ou "Rencontres du troisième type". Blow Up, ...

Alien Theory / Les trous noirs terrestres

Titulaires des droits d'auteur A+E Networks Les trous noirs pourraient-ils exister non seulement dans l'espace extra-atmosphérique, mais ici sur Terre? Et si oui, les trous noirs de la Terre auraient-ils causé d'étranges disparitions et d'autres phénomènes inexplicables pendant des siècles? ...

LA VIE AILLEURS – Documentaire Astronomie – HD

Depuis l'espace, notre Terre apparaît comme un vaste monde dans lequel la vie a pu se développer. Aujourd'hui nos océans et continents sont peuplés par des millions d'espèces. Mais dans l'immensité de l'Univers, notre Terre n'est rien d'autre qu'un minuscule confetti. Loin, très loin de nous, se ...

Daytime UFO over Las Vegas, Nevada.

Witness description: "While playing golf at Bali Hai in Las Vegas with three strangers, I observed, took a photo and a video of a stationary object which was directly above McCarran airport. I watched it for a full minute before getting my phone out to record it. After I stopped recording, I ...

La Soucoupe Volante de Jean-Claude Ladrat à Germignac

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur " La Soucoupe et le Perroquet " de l'émission Strip-Tease qui avait fait le Buzz en 1993, c'est ici ! - La Vengeance du Perroquet Tout Sec © Géo - La Soucoupe et le Perroquet : Genèse © Antoine Jobard - Les Soucoupes Volantes à Germignac © FR3 - Janvier 1984 - ...

UFO over Coral Gables, Florida.

Detailed description: "25,000 feet high , looked like a white dot in the sky, there was a plane that flew by, so you could tell it was way higher than the plane. The White dot I watch for 3 minutes, it started to pulse blue flashing lights pulsing almost spinning like. Almost, as if it ...

Fleet of UFOs over Fresno, California.

Source Link: Carrie Sketches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBQ9DeiKA_4 Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Detailed description: "So, I'm in Fresno,Ca and my friend sends me this to identify. 02/22/2021 about 8:30pm location Fresno,Ca the noise is traffic on the street. She said the above ...

UFOs in a triangular formation over Kiev, Ukraine.

Source Link: Алексей Харитонов https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5wYrGhrnQg Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Kiev, Ukraine. 4/6/2016. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

UFO | Flying saucer over Keasbey, New Jersey.

Witness description: "On a road trip to Vermont. Visualized a black diamond in the sky and decided to film it. Want driving, was in the back seat." Source Link: https://www.mufon.com/ Filmed in Keasbey, New Jersey. 10/18/2019 4:26 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can ...

Strange UFO was filmed during the filming of ISS.

Source Link: API Case Files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn375gQSjBA He has more UFO videos on his channel. Detailed description: "An object accidentally caught on video on 19 January 2021 while shooting a space station pass and experimenting with a different focus mode (DMF). It doesn't ...
