UFO rapidly changing direction. Lakewood, Colorado.

Witness description: "This was night 2 of seeing the same object that I reported the prior night. This sighting started at 8:29pm. The previous night started around 8:35. This was very similar to the first sighting. This time I saw what looked like a bright star almost directly above me and to ...

Jorge Vercilo refuta Darwin: 'Somos extraterrestres'

O cantor Jorge Vercillo viralizou ao afirmar que os seres humanos são extraterrestres no podcast Papagaio Falante. No vídeo, o artista refutou a teoria da evolução de Darwin e acredita que o homem é diferente dos outros animais. Leia mais: ...

UFOs flying in formation over Woodinville, Washington.

Witness description: "I was out on the night of May 20th 2022 with my astrophotography gear in my front yard in Woodinville WA looking to take photos/video of the Hurculid meteor storm. I focused in on Vega as a point of reference which you will see in the middle of the video frame. As I was ...

La Nasa vient de lancer une grande enquête sur les Ovnis

Une équipe de 16 scientifiques réunis par la Nasa s'est lancée dans une étude de neuf mois sur les Ovnis (objets volants non identifiés). Ils devront étudier les éléments disponibles sur les Ovnis déjà observés pour essayer de mieux comprendre leur nature. Source

Tic Tac UFO over Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Source Link: Мария Даниленко https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu_zPfgVgY4 Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed near the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan by Maria Danilenko. 7/7/2020 For those who are interested in what she says: "Here it is flying. It is not clear ...

OVNI? Piloto vê luzes estranhas ao sobrevoar Santa Catarina

Os pilotos de uma companhia aérea avistaram uma luz estranha ao sobrevoar o estado de Santa Catarina, na noite do último sábado. A avião com passageiros saiu de São Paulo com destino a Porto Alegre. O que tem intrigado a aviação é que não possuía outra aeronave nos radares da região. Source
