Two UFOs over Horton Kirby, UK.

Witness description: "Two silver spheres. Sitting in my garden I noticed off to my left 2 objects flying parallel to each other, at first I took it to be 2 herons then noticed them to be metallic spheres, thinking they maybe balloons I checked the wind direction which was at a constant moderate ...

UFO over Wilfrid, Canada.

Witness description: "Glowing orb flying." Source: mufon Filmed in Wilfrid, Canada 5/10/2022 12:00 am. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

UFOs over Spanish Fork, Utah.

Witness description: "On July 6th, 2022 at 3pm my son and I were cloud watching like we do weekly from our backyard. They sky was pretty clear only a few small clouds, it was sunny and not very windy. We noticed two small bright white light orbs quite a way up in a clear blue sky floating ...

Noche de misterio: extraterrestres entre nosotros | Caracol Radio

Continúa siendo un secreto el fenómeno ovni, ¿en definitiva existen? El gobierno de Estados Unidos mediante un documento reconoció que si, pero que además están hechos con tecnología no humana. La pregunta es: ¿Por qué nos visitan? ¿A qué vienen a la tierra? Lo más inquietante de este tema son ...

OVNI Soucoupe Volante guide de montage

Reprise d'un reportage sur un objet discoidal présenté une première fois en mode script; aujourd'hui en mode audio, et s'il reprend l'essentiel du premier opus, ici avec les connaissances acquises ces dernières années, la conclusion vous laissera songeur Source

UFO over Columbia, South Carolina.

Witness description: "Bright white tic tac moving through sky with no contrail. No wings were observed." Source: mufon Filmed in Columbia, South Carolina 7/16/2022 7:30 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO ...

UFO over Marysville, Washington.

Witness description: "I went out around 4 am. I glanced up and noticed a glowing object moving slowly to the left above the tree line. I got a very strange sensation while viewing the object. I took out my phone and recorded as much as I could until it disappeared behind a tree. I believe it ...

UFO over Haverstraw, New York.

Witness description: "Reflective anomalous object. Seemed to change shape. No sound. No blinking lights, but seemed to have a fixed bright light or may have been a reflection from the sun. Compelling video evidence." Source: mufon Filmed in Haverstraw, New York 7/14/2022 6:00 pm. Many thanks ...
