UFO over Los Angeles, California.

Source Link: Engine TwentySeven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeO977jq5_o He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "7:33 the object starts moving pretty quickly, and I zoom out, so you can get a perspective of this compared to the ...

Qui est-il?

Merci du fond du cœur pour vos soutiens https://paypal.me/Misstral?locale.x=f... Pour me suivre https://www.facebook.com/veronique.filadelfi/ https://vk.com/vfiladelfi Source

Fleet of UFOs over Flint, Michigan.

Source Link: Steven Kalisz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LEkv9RfKXQ Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Video was on the highway near Flint, MI in 2019. The lights could very well be drones, but that's the first and only time these have appeared here. But the ...

Gaucho asegura que un OVNI se llevó a su perro

Marco Bustamante, nuestro especialista en temas paranormales, tuvo la posibilidad de entrevistar Juan Omar Pérez, protagonista de esta historia. El hombre, oriundo de la ciudad de Venado Tuerto provincia de Santa Fe, cuenta los detalles de su encuentro con los tripulantes de una nave ...

UFO over Adelaide, Australia.

Witness description: "A large, very reflective orange object passed over my house." Source: mufon Filmed in Adelaide, Australia 1/24/2022 8:30 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

10 Cosas que te Harán Creer en Extraterrestres | T2 • Ep 7

Evidencias REALES de Extraterrestres (Aliens) En el episodio de hoy veremos desde la incomprensible abducción de dos pescadores hasta… una columna milenaria inoxidable. Estas son 10 cosas que te harán creer en extraterrestres. 👉PAGINA WEB: https://gstech.club 👉 UNETE Y ACCEDE A VIDEOS ...

UFO slowly goes against a 70 mph wind. Fife, UK.

Witness description: "Noticed a white ball-shaped object slowly going south-east against a 70mph wind. It had no wings of any kind and did not look like any flying craft I have ever seen." Source: mufon Filmed in Fife, UK 1/29/2022 9:04 am. Many thanks to the author of the original video. ...

Strange UFO over Honolulu, Hawaii.

Witness description: "I have video of this thing that is as bright as the moon at night but visible st 1230 pm. It looks like either a sphere or a smooshed figure 8. Looks like the pictures of super novas that have 2 rings blasted out. Did beetlegeuse finally explode?" Source: mufon Filmed in ...
