Report just came in a minute ago. Eyewitness states: Red glowing lights in formation flying towards Lake Michigan and vanished in mid air. November 26 at 5:56pm, Beach Park IL. Source
READ MORE +Report just came in a minute ago. Eyewitness states: Red glowing lights in formation flying towards Lake Michigan and vanished in mid air. November 26 at 5:56pm, Beach Park IL. Source
READ MORE +Source Link: Martin Pérez Zapién He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Mexico by Martin Pérez Zapién. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO ...
READ MORE +Source Link: Rick k Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "While driving home after hunting this last weekend I saw a big bright ball of light go over the sky. I tried looking for it and came across 3 white lights just sitting In ...
READ MORE +Documentaire 2021 Civilisation Extraterrestre - Sommes nous seuls dans l'univers ? - #ovni #aliens #science #ufologie #extraterrestre #zone51 #astronomie #espace #lune #mars #elonmusk #conspiration #terreplate #projectbluebeam #cosmos #gouvernements #secrets #roswell #cropcircles #nasa #cia ...
READ MORE +Se vio un ovni en varias provincias de Argentina, Córdoba, Santa Fe, La Rioja, Tierra del Fuego, etc. Y también en otros países cómo Chile y Paraguay. Se están viendo luces extrañas en el cielo. Es una fila de luces que la gente se pregunta qué son. En este video te vas a enterar de todo, y ...
READ MORE +Witness description: "Sitting on my balcony I noticed small bright white object flying in a NE direction, maybe 1-2 kilometers from me. It was remarkable because it's appearance was different from the planes and helicopters I see in the area and the way it flew was definitely not like those. ...
READ MORE +Al parecer, una enorme flota de OVNIS ha sido captada por la estación espacial internacional nuevamente, pues la cámara de la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) ha grabado una flota de más de 150 objetos voladores no identificados en la órbita terrestre, siendo esta la segunda vez que sucede ...
READ MORE +Witness description: "My father and I were getting ready to leave our shop and I spotted something odd. At first, I thought it must be some plastic bags or something similar. I brought it to my father's attention, and we both stood there trying to figure what we were looking at. We watched this ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Went out for a smoke and took pictures of the front yard, as I see frequent UFO activity and like to record proof. I have seen many UFOs that were far off but this was the first time anything has come so close. The craft came from the tree line pulsing multicolored lights. ...
READ MORE +Witness description: "Went out and took pictures of the front yard, as I see frequent UFO activity and like to record proof. I have seen many UFOs that were far off but this was the first time anything has come so close. The craft came from the tree line pulsing multicolored lights. After a few ...
READ MORE +Witness description: "Was flying along at 39,000 feet in an Airbus A320 somewhere over Georgia. Took out my phone to take photos of the beautiful Milky Way. Using the new iphone 13 pro max. Tried to take a video of another aircraft flying just above us opposite direction at 40,000 ft. As I was ...
READ MORE +Source Link: Stefano Giardulli He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Rome, Italy. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...