Mushroom shaped UFO over Surprise, Arizona. 6/8/2021.

Witness description: "It was mushroom shaped. Could see it clearly with binoculars. It began as a very white point - thought it was a star/planet. As the sun set, it turned yellow, then orange. It very slowly went away from us in a northern direction. It was too far to get a clear picture or ...

Strange moving UFOs over Harwood Heights, Illinois. 6/6/2021.

Witness description: "2 black objects moving S to N then 3-4 objects moving erratically many directions. " Source Link: https://www.mufon.com Filmed in Harwood Heights, Illinois. 6/6/2021. 7:36 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social ...

EE.UU. admite que los ovnis no son suyos pero desconoce su origen

El informe que el Gobierno federal de Estados Unidos entregará este mes al Congreso sobre decenas de fenómenos aéreos no identificados -el nuevo nombre oficial para los ovnis, ufos en inglés- avistados por sus pilotos en el espacio aéreo norteamericano durante los últimos años mantendrá vivo el ...

Vídeos de OVNIs: o que relatório dos EUA deixou de explicar?

Em um novo relatório, os Estados Unidos informaram não terem encontrado “evidências alienígenas” nos vídeos de OVNIs vazados em abril. Entretanto, a investigação liderada por oficiais da inteligência americana e o Pentágono não conseguiu explicar os movimentos do objeto – o que gerou confusão ...

Tic Tac UFO over Martinsburg, West Virginia.

Source Link: Just Janet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzMPyPsjeYg Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "I don’t know what I seen. It’s not an airplane. Can someone tell me what it is please? Sorry for the bad filming. " You can share the link to this video on social ...
