Shining magic carpet over Brazil.

Source Link: Eugenio Junior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpiUKNjwR-w Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness Description: "This video shows an Unidentified Flying Object or UFO flying over my home last year. I decided to share this video after several requests, I have no idea what it ...

UFO over Dordogne, France.

Source Link: simon Gouesnard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXtapwDjPio Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Dordogne, France by Simon Gouesnard. Detailed description: "UFO captured in Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil, Aquitaine, France, in the middle of nowhere ...

Two Tic Tac UFOs over Canberra, Australia.

Detailed description: "2 unusual shaped flying vehicles with no visible wings or tail fins that would resemble aircraft or lights there in, no sound or visual propulsion. Walking from carport from vehicle a to vehicle b reflection of light made me look up to see two vehicles flying in tandem as ...

Cidade dos OVNIs

Curta-metragem produzido nas Oficinas Querô 2018 Direção: Guilherme Alves Sinopse: O documentário “Cidade dos OVNIs” traz relatos de moradores e turistas da cidade de Peruíbe (litoral sul de São Paulo), que revelam terem visto objetos não identificados sobrevoando o céu. Seria essa cidade um ...

Rotating UFO over Barnsley, UK.

Source Link: thomas haskayne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXSVQlR-J6g Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs He has more UFO videos on his channel from this event. This UFO sighting was filmed in Barnsley, UK 4/18/2021 at 7pm by Thomas Haskayne. You can share the link to this video on social ...

« OVNI(s) » : Melvil Poupaud croit-il aux extraterrestres ?

A l'occasion de la sortie d'OVNI(s), la nouvelle création originale de Canal +, le comédien Melvil Poupaud, nous parle d'extraterrestres et de leur représentation à l'écran : "Ce ne sont plus ces petits hommes verts comme dans 'La soupe aux Choux'", explique-t-il à Eva Roque dans le podcast ...
