Tú Ves Ovnis – Magia Negra

🔮Tú Ves Ovnis (TVO) cuestiona los misterios del enamoramiento con 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮 𝗡𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮; primer adelanto de 'Cambio de Ciclo', que se publicará a lo largo de 2022 🔮 Dame esa copa blanca, ¿qué lleva esta vaina? Me llega hasta el alma y no me sabe a nada. Exceso en la demanda. Demuéstrame tus armas y ...

UFO over Schenectady, New York.

Witness Description: "A very bright, round in appearance, object that I first mistook for the ISS. It was traveling at a high altitude but under the cloud cover. It traveled from a North Western direction towards the South East. There is a plane that shows up during the video to show an approx. ...

Los OVNIS de HUANUNI en Cochabamba

Programa especial dedicado a la llegada de LOS OVNIS de Huanuni a Cochabamba, acompañados de grandes bandas: La Tiquipaya Golden Bues Band, Black Steel, Blues de Tierra, Sangre Hirviendo, Raptor y La Cuerva. Source

Triangular UFO over Draper, Utah.

Witness Description: "From the SLC avenues mid-September 2022 at sundown, I noticed a fairly large triangular object hovering in the sky. It was first floating stationary but moving kind of wavy. It then proceeded to slowly move North. I captured a total of 4 videos of approximately 1 minute 30 ...

El documental de DISNEY sobre OVNIS

Mis redes: https://twitter.com/LaFilmoMaldita https://www.instagram.com/lafilmomaldita/ Si quieres colaborar con el proyecto: https://www.patreon.com/Filmoteca Agradecimientos a Krs & Kenkepan https://www.youtube.com/user/KrsKenkeChannel Ellos ponen las bases que se escuchan de fondo ...

UFO over Poughkeepsie, New York.

Source Link: annette https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HdZwT6z8JI Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness Description: "Oct 19, 2021 my family and I were coming over the Poughkeepsie bridge when I have seen an object dip down between the mountains. I pulled out my phone and started ...

OVNIs Trailer

Filmin estrena el próximo martes 8 de febrero, en exclusiva en España, la serie francesa "OVNIs". Esta comedia está inspirada en hechos reales que tuvieron lugar durante los años 70 en el GEPAN, el Grupo de Estudio de Objetos Voladores No Identificados. Source

Fast moving UFO over Leicestershire, UK.

Source Link: SKY-EYE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGt8W5S6AOc Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness Description: " A bit of background. I was flying in rural part of Leicestershire in the east Midlands of the UK, the drone was around 70m high up in altitude. I didn't see anything ...

UFO over Billings, Montana. 2/1/2023

Source Link: D Gage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP0RSDppV8I Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness Description: "UFO sighting in Billings Montana. Government claims that it's a chinese spy balloon. China has satellites flying over our country that can read your license plate. ...

Jaime Maussan, lo más impactante en ovnis

Hoy una entrevista de controversia con el periodista Jaime Maussan, quien ha dedicado más de 25 años al estudio del fenómeno de los ovnis. En contraste, Ricardo Rocha y Sergio Sarmiento dirán “Mucho Gusto” a Astrid Hadad, actriz y cantautora, igualmente recibirán a Rodrigo González, productor y ...
