Pentágono cria um escritório para análise de ovnis | AFP

O Pentágono anunciou a criação de um escritório para coletar e analisar as informações sobre objetos voadores não identificados (ovnis). Mas a preocupação não é com extraterrestres e sim com adversários reais dos Estados Unidos, que podem, por exemplo, usar drones para espionagem. Gostaria de ...

José Biggs – OVNIS (Video Oficial)

Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/track/4QcXP7a3Dk79OcYForNTWG Apple Music:https://itunes.apple.com/cl/album/ovnis/1380192650?i=1380193440&l=en Instagram, Facebook y Twitter: @josebiggs Youtube:Https://www.youtube.com/josebiggsmusic Web: www.josebiggs.com Video Clip del Segundo Single ...

¿Por qué hay tantos ovnis en Perú?

¿Crees en los ovnis? Pues en Perú se han obtenido diferente grabaciones d objetos voladores no identificados que han puesto en duda si realmente estamos solos en la galaxia o podríamos tener vecinos en otros planetas ¿Qué opinas del tema? #LauraFranco #Perú #Ovnis LAURA FRANCO Instagram: ...

Triangular UFO was filmed in US.

Source Link: GameVet02 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGUM4HCDxcA He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Filmed with a Sionyx Aurora camera. It has an ultra low light IR sensor. Captured 10/17/21. " You can share the link to this ...

UFO was filmed from the aircraft over Colorado.

Source Link: Miguel Lopez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG8M3R9gCu0 Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed from the aircraft over Colorado by Miguel Lopez. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

Noche de Misterio: Ovnis, la evidencia | Caracol Radio

Manténgase informado con todos nuestros contenido en vídeo suscribiéndose aquí: http://bit.ly/YTCaracolRadio. Noticias, deportes y entretenimiento de Colombia y el mundo, de la mano de la marca más tradicional e innovadora de la radio: Caracol Radio. https://www.caracol.com.co Caracol ...

Two stationary/hovering spinning UFOs over Stourport, UK.

Witness description: "I spotted 2 objects in the air that appeared to be spinning on an axis they didn't shift in the air they stayed in one space then vanished .... there were no other flying object in the area I have also checked locally and nobody was aware if any flying objects due to be in ...
