Please remember to hit that like and subscribe button all, have a good one! Facebook witness at: https://www.facebook.com/reel/702006352080469 Source
READ MORE +Please remember to hit that like and subscribe button all, have a good one! Facebook witness at: https://www.facebook.com/reel/702006352080469 Source
READ MORE +Seen from passenger jet, Eyewitness states: On Saturday March 11, 2023, I was flying south over central California on Southwest Airlines 2463 from Sacramento Airport (SMF) to San Diego (SAN). I was seated in the window seating, on the left side in the middle of the plane, right behind the left ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Strange lights over Menifee, Ca. Moved slow and appeared and disappeared , they seemed to become one then disappeared and one would reappear and the up to four. This happened about three times before disappearing into the clouds. Source
READ MORE +An exploration of the idea that aliens may have visited earth long ago in the geologic past and found a very different planet than we know today. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/johnmichaelgodier My Event Horizon Channel: https://www.youtube.com/eventhorizonshow Music: Cylinder ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Rectangular object was observed moving in a southwesterly direction. The object was rotating slowly and gliding through the sky. It did not change shape. Source
READ MORE +Saw this craft and thought wow, thats something right there. Its huge, the mouth of the volcano is 600 meters across and this is at least 1/6th that at 100 meters wide! The tail of the object is evenly as it comes down, but then suddenly as it enters the volcano the tail becomes super thin! ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: I was out mountain biking when I saw the object. I could see planes all around and hear them, but I could not ID this object. Source
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: I felt my room vibrate and this low vibration in my stomach before looking outside and seeing this absolutely massive object passing by my window. I scrambled to grab my phone and record it within the next 12 minutes I saw another massive object, this time it wasn't boomerang ...
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: Caught while recording in slow motion - Family reunion at bear lake N. Utah. At the 47 sec into video. A dark object flying left to right across the horizon. Enters fame out of my neck area. Wouldn’t have ever seen unless was recorded in slow. I think was in 420 fps. Source
READ MORE +Eyewitness states: From an airplane taking off from Las Vegas, after we did a u-turn to head north, I saw these lights on the ground about (I'm guessing) fifteen or twenty miles west of the city. The video does not do justice to how bright these things were, it was a bright sunny day, and these ...
READ MORE +Start listening with a 30-day Audible trial and your first audiobook is free. Visit http://www.audible.com/isaac or text "isaac" to 500-500. The Silurian Hypothesis contemplates how long the ruins of a civilization would be detectable, on Earth or even other worlds, and if we could ever know if ...
READ MORE +➨ For UFO footage submissions & Business inquires, please email scwaring@yahoo.com Please subscribe and share if possible. Thank you all, Scott. Please donate Cryptocurrency to Help. 100% is used to enhance my website, social media and purchase tools, computer programs necessary for deeper ...