They Are Preparing For An Alien Encounter Now!!!

Check out this recent story breaking from the University of St Andrew’s. They are preparing for Alien contact right now. What does the Bible say about this and how is this significant?  Jesus is coming soon! Repent, believe the Gospel, and be converted to new life in Jesus Christ today! ...

Elon Musk & Nasa Are FINALLY Preparing Humans For Alien Contact

While Elon Musk has often spoken about aliens, NASA has long been involved in searching for alien life in space in its bid to confirm whether we are really alone or we have intelligent neighbors in the cosmos. However, the agency has recently stepped up its efforts to prepare humans for alien ...

NASA Is Preparing Humanity For ALIEN Contact!

To find out about the presence of life on any other planet out there, many space missions have been conducted. At present, NASA has two rovers on Mars, and several probes orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. It also launched the James Web Telescope, a billion-dollar project that took almost three ...
