READ MORE +Hello, community ... Leave me your comments, do not forget to share., do not forget to subscribe to our channel, and activate the notification bell so that you are the first to see our content. ... 🚀👽🛸, Greetings community. You can also follow us on YouTube or Facebook. And, by the way, you ...
READ MORE +Enceladus und Europa – Zwei Eismonde – Enceladus am Saturn und Europa am Jupiter – Astrobiologen vermuten bei beiden Monden Leben – Unter dem Eis! Die Raumsonde Juno hat am Jupiter Mond Europa nun wieder fantastische Bilder geliefert und auch Cassini am Saturnmond Enceladus hat nun Phosphor ...
READ MORE +Güneş Sistemi'nin incisi, kuşkusuz Satürn. O sarımtrak rengi ve alımlı halkaları nedeniyle diğer tüm gezegenlerden daha estetik bir görünüme sahip. Bu muhteşem halkaları oluşturan şeyin çoğuysa... #Shorts #Satürn #SatürnHalkası *** 📽️ Videografi & Post-Prodüksiyon: Çınar Ege Bakırcı Evrim ...
READ MORE +Musique : Melody Sheep Une source d'excitation dans la communauté scientifique est le lancement et la mise en service du télescope spatial James Webb ! En tant que télescope le plus puissant et le plus cher de tous les temps, il est compréhensible que les attentes soient si élevées ! ...
READ MORE +An exploration of ten somewhat spooky scenarios hidden within the zoo hypothesis solution to the Fermi Paradox. My New Clips and Live Channel: My Patreon Page: My Event Horizon Channel: ...
READ MORE +An exploration of the technological singularity and whether it will happen and what implications it has on astrobiology and solving the Fermi Paradox. My New Clips and Live Channel: My Patreon Page: ...
READ MORE +An exploration of ten spooky alien civilization scenarios, grounded in actual science and possibility. My Patreon Page: My Event Horizon Channel: Music: Intermission in D by Miguel Johnson ...
READ MORE +Welcome to me critical analysis of Retro Australia's opinion of life on other planets. MERCH: send ya videos into me here: Source Footage via ABC (1962): Fair Dealing - review, commentary, satire. ...
READ MORE +Watch the full episode here: For the most part, this gas giant is a mystery. So what would happen if you wanted to discover it for yourself and jumped right onto the planet? Or should we say into? Because Jupiter doesn't have a surface, just a seemingly endless ...
READ MORE +Saturn will be at opposition on August 14th. This is its closest approach to Earth, and it will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. A ...
READ MORE +Depuis la nuit des temps, l'homme cherche à comprendre la Terre, l'espace et l'univers : son origine, sa composition et sa formation. Pour ce faire, il a examiné notre planète de tous les points de vue à travers la physique, la biologie, les mathématiques et même la philosophie. Grâce aux ...