solar system
Intragalactic Alien Civilizations With Neil deGrasse Tyson

Intragalactic Alien Civilizations With Neil deGrasse Tyson Subscribe to Science Time: Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the possibility of alien civilizations existing in our galaxy the milky way. Many people believe we've been visited by intelligent aliens ...

What If Aliens are Living Inside Earth?

Billions of years ago, another planet smashed into Earth. An event of this epicness could have created our Moon. It also could have brought alien life to our planet. What evidence of this planet still exists on Earth today? Could there be life deep inside the Earth’s surface? And could that ...

Brian Cox: Is There Alien Life in The Solar System?

Brian Cox: Is There Alien Life in The Solar System? Subscribe to Science Time: Professor Brian Cox thinks it's a likely possibility there is alien life in our solar system. For example, Jupiter's moon Europa. Beneath it's icy shell there could be microbial ...

Extraterrestrial Civilizations And Why We Can't Detect Them

In this video, I take a look at the reasons as to why extraterrestrial civilizations currently exist or will eventually exist and then go over the reasons as to why we can't detect traces of extraterrestrial civilizations that currently exist or the traces of ones that existed and went extinct. ...

Our UNIVERSE was made by ALIENS??? In a LAB???

I don't know about you, but I am convinced that Jesus is coming soon!!! You won't believe what is being accepted by mainstream professors and praised by the mainstream media! The world is looking for ways to explain the rapture and this one is crazy!!! #aliensfromouterspace #therapture ...

Did Aliens Cause the Tiger Stripes on Enceladus? | Unveiled

Are these strange marks proof of alien life?? Join us... and find out! Subscribe for more from Unveiled ► Saturn has 82 moons and counting, and Enceladus is one of the most exciting of all! In this video, Unveiled travels to this most mysterious of ...

What If Aliens Brought Life to Earth?

It's the oldest question on Earth. Where did we come from? Some people may thank a creator from above, but what if the hand that created humanity wasn't divine? What if aliens brought life to Earth? How could a meteor carry life to our planet? Could microbes survive the cold vacuum of space? And ...
