solar system
Type-3 Godlike Alien Civilization Are Watching Our Every Move

Type-3 Godlike Alien Civilization Are Watching Our Every Move. 0:00 The Kardashev Scale 0:54 Alien Civilizations Before Us 1:25 Alien/UFO Sightings 1:45 Their Technology is Far Superior 2:07 We are Being Watched 2:56 Is 15810 Arawn an Alien Spacecraft? 5:40 Signals from Proxima Centauri 7:58 ...

Kuiper Belt बन गया है Alien Civilization का नया घर | Planet 9: The Home To The Alien World

कायपर बेल्ट, हमारे सौर मंडल से परे स्पेस का एक डोनट आकार का क्षेत्र, जो अजनबी चीज़ों के लिए अब अजनबी नहीं रहा. 2015 में, नासा के न्यू होराइजन स्पेसक्राफ्ट ने Kuiper बेल्ट की खाली जगह में एक बड़ी चीज़ को रेंगते हुए देखा. इमेज की क्वालिटी ऐसी थी जिसे देख पृथ्वी के लोगों ने अपनी दिमागी उपज में कई ...

Scientists Detected New Alien Signals From Outer Space

Scientists Detected New Alien Signals From Outer Space. The observable universe is approximately 92 billion light-years across, and it keeps growing faster and faster beyond human comprehension. Given that the universe is estimated to be 13.82 billion years old based on various measurements ...

Brian Cox – Alien Life as we Don't Know it

English physicist Brian Cox explains what the emergence of life on Earth can teach us about alien life throughout the cosmos. There has been an uprise in interest in recent years for life beyond Earth. Of course footage of unidentified aerial phenomena has contributed to that enthusiasm and we ...

What If We Went on a Search for Alien Life?

The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: We might not be alone in the Universe. Scientists from all over the world have their eyes and ears wide open trying to detect signals of life beyond our planet. But we’re a bit tired ...
