See the functions of this scarce saucer.. A 4,5 Volt block batterie fits perfectly to the battery compartment. source
READ MORE +See the functions of this scarce saucer.. A 4,5 Volt block batterie fits perfectly to the battery compartment. source
READ MORE +Witness description: "It was mushroom shaped. Could see it clearly with binoculars. It began as a very white point - thought it was a star/planet. As the sun set, it turned yellow, then orange. It very slowly went away from us in a northern direction. It was too far to get a clear picture or ...
READ MORE +Witness description: "2 black objects moving S to N then 3-4 objects moving erratically many directions. " Source Link: Filmed in Harwood Heights, Illinois. 6/6/2021. 7:36 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social ...
READ MORE +Source Link: Sailing_And_Fun Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "While working on our catamaran, near the East coast of the US on May 16, 2021, we noticed a strange illuminated 'spherical' object hovering over us. I recorded ...
READ MORE +Un OVNI menace un utilisateur de smartphone qui filmait son apparition a Issia 2016 09 04 10 22 source
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READ MORE +Prestation de Delta à la Soucoupe Volante le 16 Mars 2013. source
READ MORE +ovni / soucoupe volante / ufo source
READ MORE +ovni / soucoupe volante / ufo avec base quadricoptère 1 er vol source
READ MORE +Kaf malbar Soucoupe Volante 12 Mai 2013 Filmer par : Katian Arts Visuel source
READ MORE +Les reptiles humanoïdes sont des créatures imaginaires représentées comme des reptiles à l'allure humaine. Ils sont connus sous différents noms : reptiliens, reptoïdes, dinosauroïdes, hommes-lézards, saurials, reptites, draconiens, voire dragons. Le reptile humanoïde est une figure qui se ...
READ MORE +-----------------------------------------LIRE------------------------------------------ Si mes vidéos te plaisent abonne-toi à ma chaîne : Salut tout le monde c'est Qin Hui et aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour une nouvelle vidéo dans laquelle je vais vous raconter la ...