UFOs over Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Witness description: "Around dusk while traveling southbound on interstate i70 in Independence, Missouri I observed two starlike objects. One remained fixed in the sky while the other rose to meet it and then descend down again. I observed 1:32 of this before the landscape obstructed my view." ...

Two UFOs over Lost Creek Wilderness, Bailey, Colorado.

Source Link: Matt E Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Two weird objects over lost creek wilderness. They moved north to south across the horizon over the course of an hour. They seemed to move up and down relative to one ...

UFO over San Jose, California.

Witness description: "Videoed two objects one did impossible moves and speeds then blinked out second one moved in slow and then changed directions quickly left to right then disappeared behind neighbors tree. Something in my head said to look up as I was on the phone with my daughter. I hung ...

15 Clearest Looking UFOs in History Caught On Camera

Although UFO skeptics argue that UFOs and extraterrestrials are not real, history tells a different story. A walk through the twentieth and twenty first centuries would reveal Clear UFO sightings caught on camera. From the Phoenix lights of Arizona to the famous Roswell Incident, we have reason ...

UFO over Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Witness description: "This video was recorded on the 26th of July 2021 near the library where I was walking with my daughter. She saw it in the sky and asked what's that and initially I thought she was looking at a star but I started to question it because the evening star shouldn't be that ...

Daytime UFO over Las Vegas. 3/26/2023

Witness description: "At approximately 11:51 AM PDT on Sunday, March 26, 2023 in the southwest part of the Las Vegas Valley, I observed a small, bright, cube/orb-like object traveling in a westerly direction from the SE. The object at first appeared to be a large balloon, however its movements ...

5 Reasons Why We Can’t Meet Aliens!

For more than 60 years we have been searching for traces of other intelligent beings in space - but so far in vain! All messages, which scientists sent even in far away regions, remained so far unanswered and as it looks, also nobody seeks the contact to us. Some researchers claim that there ...
