Fleet of UFOs over Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Witness description: "Hundreds of lights heading Northwest right above me, all heading in the same direction but not in a straight line, they were all over the place. iPhone 11 Pro Max could only pick up about ten lights but with the naked eye, hundreds of lights were visible." Source: mufon ...

Top 10 Unsettling Signs Of Aliens In Ancient History

Top 10 Unsettling Signs Of Aliens In Ancient History Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10: Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10 Español: Most Recent Videos: Every year there are ...

UFO over Port Ewen, New York.  2/18/2023

Witness description: "I saw a white light flying in straight line across whole sky at about 6:15am. I have a flight radar app on my phone, and it was not a plane or did not have any characteristics of a plane, no flashing lights, and it did not have a transponder, or other reason why it would ...

UFOs over San Diego, California.

Witness Description: "I was walking my dogs like I always do, to the beach. I looked up and saw a series of 3 orangish glowing lights which morphed to 4 then 6 then 8 then back to 2 and 3. Slowly more and more people gathered and were looking up, there were approximately 15 people near me also ...

UFOs were filmed during a thunderstorm. Austin, Texas.

Witness Description: "While filming a time-lapse video of a distant storm over the Austin airport from my house that’s built on a ridge at 920 ft elevation I accidentally captured two UAP’s cloaked, but I didn’t notice them until I reviewed the video days later. The first object I saw flying ...

UFO over Wright, Wyoming.

Witness Description: "Object moving under clouds from WNW to the forefront then turned 90 degrees and headed NNE and appeared to travel at the same altitude until out of visual range. Mild 7 mph WNW wind with no recorded gusts at the time. Video is from second half of the observation after the ...

UFOs over Seattle, Washington.

Witness Description: "Bright objects in formation heading south to north approximately over Puget Sound 5 miles north of Seattle. One object changed direction and headed west. At direction change the object went from bright to black. One object lingered in a slow northern trajectory and the ...

Fleet of UFOs over Louisville, Kentucky.

Witness description: "Fireballs in the sky all going the same direction there were 12 of them". Source: mufon Filmed in Louisville, Kentucky 2/3/2020 8:30 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings ...
