SPACE BIOLOGY: WHAT IS IT? Clément G, Slenzka K, editors. Fundamentals of space biology: research on cells, animals, and plants in space. Springer Science & Business Media; 2006 Oct 28. nasa,space,international space station ...
READ MORE +SPACE BIOLOGY: WHAT IS IT? Clément G, Slenzka K, editors. Fundamentals of space biology: research on cells, animals, and plants in space. Springer Science & Business Media; 2006 Oct 28. nasa,space,international space station ...
READ MORE +Nous nous sommes tous déjà demandé si la vie existait ailleurs que sur notre Terre, ailleurs que dans notre galaxie. Pourtant, cette question est bien souvent restée sans réponse. Claire Moutou, directrice de recherche au CNRS et astrophysicienne, nous explique comment il est possible de ...
READ MORE +Dark, cold and dangerous – is it true that our deepest oceans are as unexplored as the moon? And are there monsters? Or is it a magical place of grandeur and serenity? Find out from one of the few humans who has dived the Earth’s five oceans to their deepest points, including 11km down in the ...
READ MORE +Rapport au temps, à l'autre et à soi-même : comment se crée le collectif dans la vie d'un Sous-Marin ? Quelle définition donner à "l'Autorité" et à la "Bienveillance" ? Quelle place accorder aux rituels ? Quels sont les premiers pas hors confinement ? Pour ce troisième #MoHoTalks, MoHo, ...
READ MORE +NOTE FROM TED: Theories discussed in this talk remain an ongoing field of study. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: The scientific ...
READ MORE +In the world of cartoons, animals walk and talk and act like humans. Jim Toomey provides a cartoonist’s perspective on animal intelligence and how in many ways it might be superior to our own. In particular, he talks about the ocean animals he features in his comic strip and what makes them ...
READ MORE +For the most part, Hollywood has done an unimaginative job in depicting intelligent aliens. There will be a momentous day in the future when we confirm the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Taher's talk discusses the impact of this. Taher is a student at GEMS Wellington ...
READ MORE +Science isn’t just a dispassionate search for truth. It also provides lessons for living our daily lives in the face of uncertainty and the need for commitment. Dr Douglas Vakoch is president of METI International, a San Francisco-based scientific organisation that transmits powerful, ...
READ MORE +The three main ingredients for life as we know it are liquid water, available energy, and organic chemistry elements. Outside of the Earth, places with all these ingredients are hard to reach, so humans have been developing new technologies, such as probes and spacecraft, to gather information ...
READ MORE +“Ce n’est pas que la planète Mars n’est pas faite pour l’Homme. C’est l’Homme qui n’est pas adapté à Mars !” L’Homme parcourt le système solaire depuis des décennies, en quête de connaissance sur l’univers et les planètes qui l’entourent. Et si l’on changeait de perspective ? Embarquement dans ...
READ MORE +What if every advanced civilization is listening and not transmitting? Reaching out takes courage, and exploration requires standing up for what we want in our lives (even if it disappoints other people). Maybe we’ll find out that we are that long-lived civilization that we’ve been looking for. ...
READ MORE +Fernanda nos cuenta sobre su experiencia como científica y los desafíos del proyecto en el que trabaja en la NASA. Su tarea es diseñar pequeños laboratorios y otros instrumentos que permitan rastrear vida en otros cuerpos celestes. La búsqueda de vida extraterrestre parece ser un trabajo ...