Подпишись БРО) МОЯ ТЕЛЕГА: https://t.me/runtig _______________________________________________________________ Моя печка: I7 11700F GTX 1660ti 16G RAM Source
READ MORE +Подпишись БРО) МОЯ ТЕЛЕГА: https://t.me/runtig _______________________________________________________________ Моя печка: I7 11700F GTX 1660ti 16G RAM Source
READ MORE +Hola. En este gameplay me enorgullece decir que pude atrapar al ovni luego de tanto esfuerzo en The Long Drive. Seguime en mis redes que soy piola: ♦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PatoAsadoOK ♦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patoasadook/ ♦ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/patoasadook ♦ ...
READ MORE +We Ran Out of FUEL & a UFO Showed Up - The Long Drive Multiplayer Apparently, a bad storm is heading toward us, and the only way to survive is to go on a road trip to get to safety. The biggest issue is that we're both idiots and didn't bring enough supplies resulting in us getting stranded. ...
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